Monday, October 28, 2019

Have you tried Google Tours?

Google Tour Builder is a web-based storytelling tool which lets you easily create and explore stories and places around the world. Based on the Google Earth plugin, you can create a tour of any subject of your choosing, zooming in to show the places where events took place, and easily integrating the story’s text, photos and videos. Your tour will fly users from one place to the next along the storyline of your tour, immersing them in the relevant places through Google Earth’s imagery and the custom content you provide. (Resources: Storytelling with Maps using Tour Builder)


Thursday, March 21, 2019 Appointment Scheduling Software

Somebody was telling me how great this tool is for scheduling his office hours for advising and appointments, and that the appointment will go straight into his Google calendar automatically.  One can also block off a certain time to made yourself available for scheduling.

Check out now.

Tuesday, March 05, 2019

New features of PS CC2019

Sharing this comprehensive video by a great presenter, Unmesh Dinda at Piximperfect.

Tuesday, January 22, 2019

You Got Options To Share Adobe Spark Page - Using Embed code

After you have created a Adode Spark Page and wanted to share with your friends, you can get a shareable link or upload to Facebook, Twitter or Google Classroom.  Also, you can copy the Embed code for the page and embed it onto another webpage or blog like here.

You see that the page appears inside your post when you click on it.  You can also click on the goto icon to view the page from there.

USF Spark

Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Options for Creating Quizzes

There are many options for creating online quiz.  The latest version of Google Forms has added the  self-grading quiz feature with possible immediate scoring on multiple-choices and checkbox questions.  The process, as with many other Google products, is meant to be user-friendly and easy to learn.  Therefore, using quizzes in Google From is a tool appropriate used for simple assessment and subject refresher.

For more sophisticated tools, Flubaroo is another choice.  It allows you to have more customization and there are more advanced grading options.  Flubaroo is a free script in Google Sheet.  It calculates grades, present average score and percentage, and identify students who need help. It even runs report for you to display score distributions.  So, check it out.

Wednesday, May 03, 2017

Cinemagraphs - something new and cool!

I came across Ann Street Studio site that has a still image of a fireplace with a burning fire roosting warm and cozy, so I wanted to see how it's being done. Ah! Something called 'Cinemagraphs', which I thought it must need a lot of coding and animation scripting to make it happen. But, the good news is that smart developers have made it so easy to make and there are freeware to share.  Bless their hearts!

Here's also an article by author , with his 5 top picks on Cinemagprahs:

Enjoy, and have a cool ride with this.

Friday, November 18, 2016

Add an image to your RSS Feed

Somebody was asking me about how to show a featured image in Wordpress RSS Feed.  I did some research and found this..  if your are using WordPress, you can try this suggested plugin - 'Featured Images in RSS Feeds'