Monday, December 27, 2010

Top Innovation of 2010

My friend sent me this link from CNN news...

Monday, December 13, 2010

An 'iChristmas Concert' - performed with iPads and iPhones

Can you imagine if we don't need instruments any more in the next decade to have an orchestra sitting only with their ipads?  Gee- such as revolutionary concept! yet soon to be realized in the next generation or sooner.  No wonder Apple's stock price has rocketed high, and analysts have forecast a upcoming close to $500s.  What do YOU think?

Monday, November 22, 2010

Free alternative to Clickers

I just read about Dian Schaffhaiser's article in Campus Technology on using a web 2.0 application which takes poll from everywhere free up to 30 responses per question. Check this out -

Users can text from their phones or go online to vote, and instantaneously, the results of the poll is displayed and charted. There are three types of polls you can create:
  1. multiple choice - give voters choices to vote on, and display results on a chart
  2. free text - allow voters to text in any information such as feedback or identification information
  3. goal poll - allow voters to text in numbers and a thermometer will display results.  This is good for pledging and fundraising towards a goal.
Upgrade is available for polling more than 30 participants.  Of course, the different plans will offer more control for you to identify and monitor voting process. 

Here's an example of a choice poll I have created, and that I am embedding it in a webpage. I can also embed this to facebook and twitter, or share it via an email.  The coolest thing now is the new feature!!! Check this out - to see how you can have your audiences sync to whatever polls you are looking at during your presentation and let them vote instantly.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Google voice is cool!

Cut down on your international call bill, and get a number that rings all your phone. These are all free! Get google voice today.

Wednesday, July 07, 2010

Accessibility issues with new emerging technology

When the iPad first came out, I am interested to see how this tool can be introduced to seniors who have sight- impairment and are intimated by technologyies.  Thus, I ecnourage my seventy-five-year-old dad to play with it.

The first thing I noticed that was working is how the font size can be 'stretched' out to allow better readability on the screen.  Although it's almost a 'take-for granted' feature for current users of iPhone, iTouch, and iPad, it is something that I see can impact further for many other user sectors.

Senior citizens, like my dad, can absolutely benefit from this application capability to continue his daily interest in pharmaceutical and healthcare.

Here's an article I dawn on: [Campus Technology, dated July 7]

Controversial indeed.  iPad's arrival sets the trends for future e-Readers, at the same time, also urging Kindle and similar products to get better at the competition. In academia, I believe that all technologies would be improved and be equally accessible by all students in the long run.  We will see...

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Project Natal - the Technology in 10 years? or sooner?

Have you thought of what technology will become in the next 5 years, or next 10 years? Guess! Some human brains are amazing!

Friday, February 19, 2010

Google Docs is cool!

Demo on Google Docs
I am creating this document using Google Docs, which is an online freeware from Google.
You can create documents that can be downloaded as .doc, pdf, rtf, html and other formats. You can use this for word processing, slideshows, spreadsheets and online forms, and share with your friends through a link, web page or as an attachment to an email. Also, you can also roll-back to any previous versions of the document as needed. I can publish this document on the web as a link, and have set up to post it to my technology blog automatically from Google Docs.

Watch 'Google Docs in Plain English' video

Friday, February 05, 2010

How to Add a Share button on your blog or web page

I dawn on and find an easy solution to add various social networking logos on your web page or blog in order to quickly share your content with your friends.  This is how it works:

  1. Simply login to
  2. Register as a new user and enter your information.
  3. Click the 'Get the button for this site' link and follow the wizard.
  4. After you have customized the ordering of your buttons, click the 'Get the code' button.
  5. Copy and paste the code into the template for your website. Make sure you paste between the tags within your code.

 Try now and click on the below ShareThis button.