When the iPad first came out, I am interested to see how this tool can be introduced to seniors who have sight- impairment and are intimated by technologyies. Thus, I ecnourage my seventy-five-year-old dad to play with it.
The first thing I noticed that was working is how the font size can be 'stretched' out to allow better readability on the screen. Although it's almost a 'take-for granted' feature for current users of iPhone, iTouch, and iPad, it is something that I see can impact further for many other user sectors.
Senior citizens, like my dad, can absolutely benefit from this application capability to continue his daily interest in pharmaceutical and healthcare.
Here's an article I dawn on: [Campus Technology, dated July 7]http://campustechnology.com/articles/2010/06/29/department-of-ed-lays-down-law-on-kindle-e-reader-usage.aspx
Controversial indeed. iPad's arrival sets the trends for future e-Readers, at the same time, also urging Kindle and similar products to get better at the competition. In academia, I believe that all technologies would be improved and be equally accessible by all students in the long run. We will see...