Monday, April 27, 2015

Tool to Create a Banner

This tool is quite wonderful to use for creating simple banners of different sizes, and interactive banners to engage your audience. once you have made your banner,  you can download it or copy the embed code to use it wherever you like. is a company that allows you to make a banner in a few steps for free. To be able to use all the premium options available, including embed (Flash & HTML5), download PNG, JPG, GIF and Flash/SWF, you need to choose a membership plan.

The tool is very easy to use, and you have so much flexibility with creating banners, rotators, and animated banners, I am sure you are going to love it just as much as I do!  The plans are very affordable too if you want to go premium, but I bet your campaign will definitely pay off for the extra you spend! The team also offers to help with advertising campaign, so that's the service you can look into too if you have a business to promote in mind. Try this out!

Do you want a QR code?

Have you ever wondered what those little squares mean when you see them in coffee shop, magazines, supermarkets, and chips packages?  Do you know that you can interact with them? I did not have a clue what they are until later.  People tell me that all I need is to scan it, and it will give me more information.

Alright- here I am finally making one for this blog!

  1. Go to
  2. Choose URL to generate one that takes your audience to a website.
  3. Enter your website URL in the blank field
  4. Enter a Title for this QR code
  5. Then click the Download button to get a copy of the QR code, or Copy the code inside the 'Get the Code' window to embed it in other places you like.

It's that easy!

To scan codes, you first need to download a QR Reader app from your mobile device, and you are off to scan these codes you see next time you are shopping. Simply open up your app, and put your mobile device over the QR code, it will automatically scan and take you to a website for more information.

Monday, April 13, 2015

Free Icon Generator

If you want to make an icon, all you need to do is to upload your image, choose a style and voila! Your icon is created and ready for you to download! Try out!