Friday, November 18, 2016

Add an image to your RSS Feed

Somebody was asking me about how to show a featured image in Wordpress RSS Feed.  I did some research and found this..  if your are using WordPress, you can try this suggested plugin - 'Featured Images in RSS Feeds'

Sunday, May 01, 2016

Adding Video Background in your Website

If you ever want to consider putting a video background into your website, here are some tutorial resources I came across from Paul Andrew's marketblog, They recently have put up the 'Master Video on Web Design' event and have provided lots of amazing resources for users.

The tutorials are clear and easy to follow. You may also like the 20 themes and templates they listed for video background.


Guidelines and site examples with full-screen or partial video background 

Plugins for adding video to your site

20 themes and templates

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Prezi - for storytelling, an example

Storytelling is one of the many tools used by teachers in the classroom to illustrate ideas, show experience, and encourage reflections. Students can succeed doing so by using different medium for their stories:  drama, dance, mime, songs, drawings; and now in the digital age, we choose videos, movies, photography...  How about Powerpoint and Prezi? Let's take a look at this example.

Did not know that there are so many apps just for WORD CLOUDs!

Take a look at this great resource from Edublog- Teacher Boot Camp plus 35+ activities !