Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Clickers in Classrooms

Read this article from Wired News on how elementary school teachers apply clickers in classroom. Right - we are talking about fifth graders, who are already using the newest available technology day-in and day-out! Personally, I do not see technology as intimidating, but my question is how can we, the 'immigrants' bridge the gap? The race is long and deems not easy- for a lot of people.

By Associated Press | Also by this reporter
12:40 PM Jul, 04, 2005

An honors student at Ohio State, a kid in a fifth-grade science class in Kentucky and a deaf student in England all begin their learning experience the same way: with their hand wrapped around a remote control.

Hundreds of colleges, high schools and even middle schools are using "clickers" -- as even manufacturers call them. A moderator can pose a question and within seconds the respondents' answers are anonymously logged on a laptop at the front of the room.

"This is the MTV era," said Neal H. Hooker, an Ohio State professor who uses the technology in his agricultural economics course. "It's the instant-gratification generation. They don't like doing a quiz and hearing the responses in three days. They want to see if they've got it right or wrong right then."

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