Zamzar is a free product which supports conversion between a wide variety of different file formats. It is very easy to use. All you need to do is to go through 3 steps on the main page of the site to get your task done.
After you have browsed for your file to convert and have chosen a desired format, you will be receiving an email in your Inbox wherever you choose. In your email, you will find a link for you to download the converted file. If there's any problem with the conversion, it will give you a message, and the Zamzar support team will look at it automatically. The entire process is short and sweet.
Click on a category to see details of our conversion support:
There is also an option that you can pay to get an online storage up to 100GB and the ability to convert bigger files, and have faster file conversions. Plans varies from $7-$49 per month.
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